• 配件
  • C-Link 主副揚聲器連接線


C-Link 主副揚聲器連接線

  • 限時限量優惠
  • 正常價格 TWD $1,990 /件

LSX II LT 主副揚聲器間的連接線

C-Link 是專為 LSX II LT 設計的主副揚聲器連接線。有 8 米長的 C-Link 將 LSX II LT 的覆蓋範圍增加了 5 米,使揚聲器的擺放更加靈活。C-Link 採用高韌性織物製成,穩固耐用,可確保您的音響設定得到保護,同時提供卓越的音質。
*C-Link 主副揚聲器連接線是專屬配件,並依照 LSX II LT 的安全性和性能表現而設計。它不能用於資料傳輸或為任何裝置充電。除了隨附的揚聲器連接線和 C-Link 主副揚聲器連接線外,我們不建議您使用其它線來連接揚聲器。

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Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

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Grille Off
Grille On

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Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property
Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property



accordion open


accordion open
8 米
0.28 公斤

Instructional Videos

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IOS Set up
Android Set up
Simple Home Cinema Setup with TV
AirPlay 2 Streaming
Chromecast Streaming
Spotify Connect
Tidal Connect
Listen to Internet Radio
EQ Settings (Normal mode)
EQ Settings with Subwoofer


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Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Instructional Videos

accordion open
IOS Set up
Android Set up
Simple Home Cinema Setup with TV
AirPlay 2 Streaming
Chromecast Streaming
Spotify Connect
Tidal Connect
Listen to Internet Radio
EQ Settings (Normal mode)
EQ Settings with Subwoofer


accordion open
IOS Set up
Android Set up

Instructional Videos

accordion open
IOS Set up
Android Set up
Simple Home Cinema Setup with TV
AirPlay 2 Streaming
Chromecast Streaming
Spotify Connect
Tidal Connect
Listen to Internet Radio
EQ Settings (Normal mode)
EQ Settings with Subwoofer
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