KEF 就是截然不同
將深沉細緻的沉浸式低音帶回家中,引發無限精彩震撼!細膩極致的聲學精準度直接帶領你進入每個場景的核心。逾 60 年來,KEF 透過不斷的創新旅程,打造出屢獲殊榮的揚聲器,引領聲學領域。 而 KEF 重低音揚聲器系列為你帶來深切觸動的體驗,無論看電影、玩遊戲、聽音樂還是串流播放,都帶來身歷其境的聽覺享受。
KEF 擁有齊全的重低音揚聲器系列,能帶來品質同等出色的深度和準確性。
Uni-Core® 將兩個背靠背配置的驅動單體組合成單一磁性系統。重疊同軸配置的音圈,與傳統設計相比,可使單體振幅大量增加,用更小的箱體創造更大的輸出與深度。
探索更多Music Integrity Engine®
KEF 獨家的 DSP 演算法
每個專屬的 Music Integrity Engine 都經過精準調校,使重低音揚聲器內的所有元件能夠緊密協作,從而提升整體效能,實現卓越的聲音完整性、細節處理和準確度。
探索更多P-Flex 懸邊
我們的旗艦級重低音揚聲器是在英國手工製造,其採用 9 吋諧振抵消雙驅動單體設計。Reference 8b 是一款卓越出眾的重低音揚聲器,能呈現出非凡的低音精準度和控制力。
這些頂尖的重低音揚聲器採用源自 Reference 和 R 系列的技術,可展現出卓越的精準度和前所未有的深度。採用 P-Flex 懸邊設計的諧振抵消雙驅動單體配置,在任何空間大小都能發揮卓越性能。KC92 是精巧尺寸和卓越性能的完美平衡,而 KC62 則是在尺寸為優先考量下的最佳選擇。
Shaping the Future of High-Fidelity
Celebrating 60 years of acoustic innovation, LS60 Wireless is our vision of high-fidelity sound for the future. An all-in-one speaker system that allows you to stream from any source and connect to any home audio devices with audiophile-grade power.
Kube 重低音揚聲器帶您探索聲音的全新深度。Kube 搭配 Music Integrity Engine® 提升了整體性能,帶來驚人的深度和絕佳的動態表現。Kube 系列提供 4 種不同的尺寸,配有靈活的連線選項,能輕鬆配搭任何設置,或擺放在任何地方。
Frequent Asked Questions
What are the differences between LSX II LT and LSX II?
The LSX II LT is the streamlined version of the award-winning LSX II, featuring the same key features and technologies, but at a price you'll love by paring back some of the secondary features. For more details, please check here.
What accessories are compatible with LSX II LT?
Does THE LSX II LT speaker need an amplifier?
No. Both the primary and secondary speakers of LSX II LT are equipped with dedicated amplifiers for the tweeter and woofer.
Do I have to plug LSX II LT in?
Yes, LSX II LT must be connected to a power source. However, you will only need one power socket for the primary speaker, as the secondary speaker is powered through the primary speaker via an interspeaker connection.
Are the supplied USB-C interspeaker cable for LSX II LT and the C-Link interspeaker cable compatible with data transmission or device charging?
No, neither the supplied USB-C interspeaker cable nor the C-Link interspeaker cable are designed for data transmission or device charging. These cables are specifically intended for connecting the LSX II LT speakers and should not be used for other purposes.
Can I use other USB-C cables to replace the supplied USB-C interspeaker cable for LSX II LT?
We strongly recommend using the original USB-C interspeaker cable supplied with your LSX II LT speakers or the separately sold C-Link interspeaker cable. Both cables are proprietary and specifically designed to meet LSX II LT’s safety and performance standards. Using other USB-C cables may not provide the same level of compatibility and could potentially impact the performance and safety of your speakers. For more details, please check here.
Have more questions? Contact us for expert assistance.